Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Emotional Stages of Addiction

Addiction to alcohol, sex, food, or an illegal substance doesn't happen overnight. Little by little, a person may get involved with the bad habit until one realizes that he or she is mentally obsessed or emotionally compelled. But as addiction develops through time with frequent use or mismanaged behavior, lifetime recovery from addiction proves to be an emotional roller coaster ride. Even after detoxification or therapy, there's a good chance that the patient will suffer from a relapse without continued support from family and friends, strong will, and determination. The patient goes through confusing emotional states as he or she progresses with full-term recovery. Here are some of the emotional stages one has to go through:

At first, one would deny the fact that he or she might be suffering from addiction and would make excuses to cover for his or her acts. One would hide it from his or her family and make it seem like everything's perfectly normal.
When confronted or asked about the symptoms of his or her addiction, one tends to be defensive and would argue to justify his or her actions. An addict may even block out some family and friends and try to resolve the problem on his or her own. Often, an addict would blame others for his or her wrongdoings, turn away, and leave, instead of addressing the problem at hand. There's a feeling of resentment, which can be followed shortly by depression.
Seeing how his or her condition is affecting one's career, relationships, and personal life, an addict may promise not to do it again, but falls to the bad habit anyway. It is not easy to abstain from addiction all at once. This will take great will and determination, and without support from family and friends, recovery will be nearly impossible.
Unable to finally put a stop to the bad habit that's been causing a strain on one's family and personal life, an addict may feel that he or she has no choice or control over things. He or she then falls into depression. Any depressed individual would have trouble making the best decisions and would often isolate him or herself. But with the help of concerned family or friends, he or she may eventually be pulled out of anxiety, fear, and guilt.
Acceptance is often the first step to recovery. By admitting that one has a problem, he or she will be able to seek professional help and commit to the addiction program. Relapse often tests the recovery stage, but by believing in one's self, knowing the risks, and addressing the root of the problem, this can be overcome so full-term recovery can take its place in the person's life. An effective recovery program seeks to reinforce abstinence, personal growth, and necessary lifestyle changes.
Article above provided by recovery connections